Tribal Nations Map series

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 My name is Aaron Carapella. I have created the most comprehensive map of pre-contact Canada to date. This map uses First Nation’s original indigenous names for themselves, and shows where nations were just before contact with outsiders . The intent of this map is to instill pride in Aboriginal peoples and to be used as a teaching tool from a Native perspective. This map is part of my Tribal Nations Map series-which covers the Nations indigenous to the “United States,” “Mexico” , “Central America”, ”South America”  and “Alaska.”
I am wondering if your department is interested in acquiring any of my Tribal maps. If so, it is finished and available for sale as of now. The map is available for sell using Paypal, over the phone or by check.
Here is a You Tube video featured on TV:
Here is an article about my project:
Here is my website:
Wado diginali (thank you friends),