Ideation Challenge – $35,000 in prizes


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We are working on a project to improve the health and wellness of Aboriginal Communities. 


Indigenous peoples in Canada such as First Nations, Inuit and Métis people face some serious health-related challenges. For example:

·         15 per cent of new HIV and AIDS infections occur in Aboriginal people

·         Suicide rates among Inuit youth are among the highest in the world, at 11 times the national average

·         About 20% of young Métis aged 15 to 19 report asthma, almost double the percentage found in the same age group in the total population of Canada

HeroX is running a competition to raise awareness on this issue and distribute prizes up to $35,000 CAD. 


The MNP Operation Blue Sky is an “Ideation Challenge”. The ideas submitted shall be made public so that field experts from the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand may start a dialogue, generate interest and implement change. Entry to compete is free.

Last date for submission is Wednesday, August 12, 2015. You may visitto find out more. 


Please let me know if you would like to participate or know anyone else who would benefit from participating.





HeroX is a spin-off of XPRIZE, the leading organization solving the world’s grand challenges by managing large-scale, incentive prize competitions. The HeroX platform makes it easy for anyone to frame a problem and to inspire individuals and teams to compete to solve it.