Greetings to our friends and partners!
We’re writing to invite you to share videos of your story and your language!
In January we sent out a notice about the UN Indigenous Forum’s call for introductory videos as part of their promotions for International Mother Language day on February 21.
Inspired by their initiative, we are asking you as our members and anyone else who is interested to share your language with us. To take part, send us a short video (try to keep it under one minute) that tells us:
· your name
· your People
· your language
· and why your language is important to you.
You are invited to use your language, or another language such as English/French – or both! – in your video.
We also request that you write your name, People and language (in English and in your language if possible) in the body of the email so that we can repost this information accurately on our website and social media.
By sending a video with this information, you agree to our using it to help strengthen languages. Thanks for sharing in our vision!
Please send your videos to felanguagescanada@gmail.com with VIDEO as the subject line by April 1, 2016.
Also, please forward this message to anyone else that you know who has a story to tell, and a language to share.
We look forward to meeting you all!
Working together for diversity,
Foundation FEL Canada
Strengthening First Nation, Inuit and Métis languages of Canada