Cree Language Workshop in Saskatoon on July 22 -25

A proof of Cree type

Belinda Daniels will be hosting a Cree language workshop at Oskayak High School in Saskatoon on July 22 -25.

“When you have that connection to language, you also have that connection to land,” says Daniels. “And when you have language and land, you have a complete, whole identity,”

Daniels has been teaching Cree professionally for 14 years and doing the Cree language programming at the University of Saskatchewan for 7 years.

She says language is culture and tied to the land, “When I teach or travel or do workshops, I introduce myself as a Nehiyaw and I am of the Nehiyawak peoples of this land, this land we call Canada or Turtle Island.”

You can register for the workshop by going to the University of Saskatchewan languages department website. Participants will receive a certificate from U of S upon completion.