CIRA presents Dr. Winona Wheeler on Cultural Competency, Regina Nov. 25

CIRA Event: Cultural Competency, Dr. Winona Wheeler, November 25, 2014


Dr. Winona Wheeler, guest speaker

PhD 2000 University of California, BA (Hons) 1986 Manitoba, Associate Professor and Department Head of Native/Indigenous Studies, University of Saskatchewan

The Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA) is a non-partisan organization promoting discussion, research and the dissemination of ideas in labour and employment relations.

What: Fall Event – Cultural Competency

When: Tuesday, November 25, 2014

  • Cocktails: 5:15 p.m.
  • Supper: 6:15 p.m.
  • Presentation: 7:00 p.m.
    Where:Conexus Arts Centre, 200 Lakeshore Drive, Regina, SK

Cost: $30/member or $40/non-member. Payment at time of reply is preferred.

Please make your cheque payable to CIRA Regina.

Attention: Ronni Nordal – Richmond Nychuk

100 – 2255 Albert Street, Regina SK S4P 2V5

P 306.359.0202 | F 306.359.0330 | E

RSVP: Reservation deadline is November 18, 2014 (After November 18 contact Ronni Nordal) Receipts will be available at the event for pick up or can be emailed. Please email Ronni with any dietary restrictions.

Application is being made for this meeting to be approved by the Law Society of Saskatchewan as an accredited CPD activity.

Organizing Committee: Maria McCullough SaskEnergy, Human Resources; Andrew Stevens University of Regina, Associate Professor (Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management); Hugh Wagner Grain & General Services Union, General Secretary; Ronni Nordal Richmond Nychuk, Union Counsel; Meghan McCreary MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman LLP, Employer Counsel.

Andrew Stevens, PhD

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration / Adjunct, Department of Sociology

University of Regina

Regina, Saskatchewan


S4S 0A2

Office: Education Building, Room 565.11

Tel: 306-585-4711


Skype ID: andrew.jr.stevens