You are invited to attend an event:
The University of Regina, in partnership with First Nations University of Canada are proud to present The Witness Blanket. The Witness Blanket is a large scale art installation, made from hundreds of items reclaimed from Residential Schools and other landmarks.  It is a national monument commemorating the dark legacy of the Indian Residential School System and its devastating effects on indigenous identity.  The project and installation creator is award winning BC Artist, Ha-yalth-kingeme Cary Newman, of the Kwagiulth and Salish Nations. Background information about this installation can be found at
Along its national tour, it will make a stop at the University of Regina and will be on display in the Research and Innovation Centre (RIC)  from January 1 – February 28 2015.  Faculty are invited to bring their classes to the installation, and are encouraged to include residential schooling in their course planning where appropriate. 
A public opening ceremony and feast will be held on January 9 (10 am). Please advise your colleagues that if they choose to attend the pipe ceremony and feast that they will be expected to be present for about two hours. 
For more information about this event, please contact Dr Shauneen Pete, Associate Professor (Aboriginal Education) & Executive Lead: Indigenization
University of Regina
